piscine en pierre de taille

Hotel project

Hôtel des Ambassadeurs, Paris

piscine en pierre de taille

Hérès was commissioned to create the decorative stone elements of a swimming pool built into the basement of a 17th century mansion in the Le Marais district of Paris. Hérès came up with décor inspired by antiquity.
Influenced by a project carried out by Alexandre-Théodore Brongnard at the end of the 18th century for the Baron de Besenval, Hérès designed a swimming pool with a décor of columns, flat vaults and sculptures in the round and in bas-relief with a view to recreating the original ambiance of a nymphaeum in ancient times.

A spring, emerging from two marble basins, supplies the basin framed by Tuscan columns with water. Under the benevolent gaze of a crouching Venus, a frieze of Clodion, inspired by Ovid's metamorphoses, completes the ancient style of the setting.

piscine en pierre de taille

piscine en pierre

piscine en pierre

plan technique 3D pierre de taille
plan technique 3D pierre de taille

plan technique 3D pierre de taille

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